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Train the Trainer Workshop - Become an Immersive Facilitator

Like with every new tool and teaching method, you need to acquire the required knowledge and set of skills to be able to use Immersive cases and simulations in live sessions. Our Immersive TTT will equip faculty and teaching staff with everything they migh

Institute Specific Workshops

Inviting institutions, schools, and corporate learning units to have a dedicated workshop of 2-3 days that will train your talents to become certified Immersive Facilitators. The bespoke workshops take place on your campus, in which case we will come to yo

Open Enrollment Workshops

we will hold open workshops 2-3 times a year on the INSEAD Middle East campus in Abu Dhabi. In these sessions, academic faculty, professional coaches, facilitators, and corporate learning officers are invited to enroll to a 3 day workshop. This is a great

The workshops are designed as complete training and certification programs, providing participants with everything they need to know on how to use the XR-Learning systems, the VR devices, as well as diving into some of the available cases and simulations i

Whether you are an experienced faculty member with hundreds of hours of class experience, or just beginning your career as an educator, we will equip you with all you need to take the leap to Immersive Learning.


Looking forward to seeing you in one of our future workshops The AVR Immersive Solutions Team.

For further details, please contact us:

The questions you can expect to be addressed in the workshop:


What is Immersive Learning, which VR Learning Experiences are available in the INSEAD VR Library, and how could you use them to augment your current or future teaching?

The workshops are designed as complete training and certification programs, providing participants with everything they need to know on how to use the XR-Learning systems, the VR devices, as well as diving into some of the available cases and simulations


How do Immersive Tools enhance learning effectiveness?

Examples of tolls that will be introduced: surveys, hotspots, heatmaps, randomization, behavioral data and analytics.


How is an immersive session facilitated?

We will use one of our existing experiences to demonstrate (usually one of the Mission to Mars chapters).


Which technical, operational, and financial resources do you need to use a VR Learning Experience in your class or program?

The workshops are designed as complete training and certification programs, providing participants with everything they need to know on how to use the XR-Learning systems, the VR devices, as well as diving into some of the available cases and simulations 

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